W.H.A.L.E. Program
Since I do not have a job that being a Child Passenger Safety Technician Instructor is a part of, it sometimes is difficult to find opportunities to do community events. Back in July, I was contacted...
View ArticleBountiful Baskets and Car Seat Check- 4/21/2012
I had wanted to get this done yesterday, but I was exhausted after the morning. Both things that I am currently volunteering at, Bountiful Baskets and car seat checks with San Pedro Kiwanis, were both...
View ArticleNew Booster Law for Arizona
On August 2, Arizona will become the 48th state to have what is referred to as a booster law. Why call it a booster law? Because this law will now include children in the age group where a booster...
View ArticleNational Passenger Safety Week 2012
Last year for National Child Passenger Safety Week, I featured a series of posts on the various stages of car seats. I will be doing similar posts this year; a lot of the content is the same as it’s...
View ArticleThe Right Seat: Rear-Facing Car Seats
There are 2 types of car seats that are for rear-facing, infant carriers and convertible seats. Infant carriers typically have weight limits of 22, 30, and now 35 pounds. Convertible seats have rear...
View ArticleThe Right Seat: Forward-Facing
After your child has outgrown their rear-facing seat, they should move to a forward-facing seat with a 5 point harness. There are 5 types of car seats that can be used forward-facing (taken from Car...
View ArticleThe Right Seat: Booster Seats
After your child has outgrown their forward-facing seat, they should move to a belt positioning booster seat. A belt positioning booster is either part of a combination seat, a high-back booster seat,...
View ArticleThe Right Seat: Seat Belts
When your child has outgrown their booster seat, they are ready to use the vehicle seat belt. Instead of going just on age, height, or weight, you should go through the 5 step test to make sure they...
View ArticleNational Child Passenger Safety Week 2012 Wrap Up
In case you missed it, this week I posted information about car seat safety for children. Here are links to all of the information I posted. National Child Passenger Safety Week 2012 The Right Seat:...
View ArticlePVC Stand for 4’9″ Doll for Child Passenger Safety
I actually made this a few months ago, but am just now getting around to sharing it! After completing a few PVC pipe projects, I am always looking for other creative ways to use it. We have a 4’9″...
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